Translating Your Website

Translating Your Website

How human expertise and technology combine to offer a superior solution Your website is a shop window into your organization. No matter the size of your business your website showcases what you do and how well you do it. It provides a platform for interaction with your customers, both current and prospective, and it tells […]

Localization, Personalization and Global Marketing

Localization, Personalization and Global Marketing by t'works

What’s the connection? Adapting your content for multicultural and multilingual audiences is a vital part of personalizing your customer’s journey and building trust. Reaching new international markets is no longer the preserve of big global brands. With the arrival of the internet and the digitalization of our lives, companies of any size can envisage selling […]

Localizing for China: 3 important considerations

Localizing for China

Entering the Chinese market is a tempting prospect, but overcoming the language and cultural differences will require in-depth research and a mindful strategy. Over 1.1 billion people speak Mandarin or Standard Chinese as it’s also known, the majority of them as a first language. That’s a very big chunk of the world’s total population and […]

Top tips for successful international SEO

SEO Localization by t'works

In our last blog about international search engine optimization (SEO for short) we talked about how moving your products or services into new markets means upping your SEO game. High positions on search rankings require planning and investment and don’t happen by accident. You might have cracked it at home but a new country and a new language is a whole different story.

A high level of technical and linguistic expertise for SCHINDLER

CaseStudy Schindler

t’works affiliate ASI has been supporting SCHINDLER since 1981 with its technical expertise and language skills. Main focus: technical documentation. Headquartered in Vienna, Schindler Fahrtreppen International GmbH is part of the Swiss-based Schindler Group and the global market leader in escalator manufacture. ASI has been providing language services to this company since 1981, successfully completing over 1,000 projects in specialised fields such as technical documentation, marketing and law.

BOSCH Smart Home: Smart products for your smart home

BoschSmartHome 1144x762

Case study The world is becoming more digital, inventions more innovative and everything around us smarter. So is our home. Does this sound familiar? A rainy and cold autumn working day is coming to an end and you are already looking forward to your cosy, warm home. But unfortunately, you turned off the heating when […]

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