
Professional transcreation of press releases, magazines and reports

There is a wide range of definitions of “transcreation” on the market, but what’s actually behind them? When translating press releases, social media content, magazines or reports, the aim is not just to convey information, but above all else, to have a specific impact on the target audience. In the translation process, it is therefore particularly important to distinguish between translating and “over-translating”. Getting this just right is a challenging task that aims to convey the message of the source text without distortion, while at the same time providing the work of a copywriter in the target language.

Flawlessly and sensitively:
How t’works gears your communication
to international groups

Does your communications department work on sensitive texts with a potential impact on your image, often in a linguistically challenging context, with a critical (investing) public in mind and a responsibility for portfolios that allows no room for errors? Translating these texts into another language requires more than just translation skills. It requires an understanding of and for your market segment – as well as outstanding expertise in the respective field. The ability to consistently implement or develop your corporate language in the target language and to keep a critical eye on the coherence of the linguistic form is no less important. From integrated reports to product brochures and press kits, through to magazines for employees and customers or newsletters, we offer you a seasoned team of translators, editors and, of course, copywriters. We are also available to work with content owners on editorial matters or to create style guides in various languages on request.

Project management for multilingual
corporate communication

Professional project management plays a key part, especially for extensive and regularly recurring projects. Project managers have a key role to play as the linchpin for up to 100 people, when translating major reports, for example. After all, they are responsible for relieving you of your workload. From the time and cost planning to the coordination of the language, graphics and communication experts, they ensure that all the goals are met – and above all else, that sufficient attention is paid to quality assurance.

In short, we are something like an “external internal” department for you. Journalistic and copywriting skills combined with translation experience are the keys to successful brand communication. At t’works, we can offer you all this for your multilingual corporate communications.


Blog posts on this topic: Transcreation

Plain language for better communication

Localization, Personalization and Global Marketing

Understanding transcreation part 2

Understanding transcreation part 1

Do sustainability reports have to be translated?

Understanding International SEO

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