After strong recent growth t’works has now risen to a new top position of 59 on the Slator Index and 76 on the Nimdzi 100 list, both of which classify the world’s largest Language Service Providers (LSPs) for 2022.
The Slator index is a ranking of the world’s largest language industry companies and includes those working in the fields of translation, localization, interpreting and language technology. The index is based on revenue in US-dollars from 2021 and lists almost 300 companies.
The Nimdzi 100 similarly classes LSPs based on their 2021 revenues in US-dollars, concentrating on those with a $10 million and over, and highlights their main areas of activity.
Although with slight differences in methodology what both Slator and Nimdzi report is significant growth within the language industry sector for 2021. Quick to adapt to the new working conditions brought on by the pandemic, LSPs were able to reap the rewards of innovation and flexibility, accounting for the high levels of growth in 2021.
We’re happy to report that t’works is now classed in the Leader category by Slator, moving up from last year’s Challenger section, and that our 2021 revenue rose to over $25 million – a staggering growth rate of 44.4%.
With now over 200 permanent employees and the acquisition, revealed earlier this year, of our Portugal-based affiliate Traductanet, our progress continues apace and we’re not planning to slow down any time soon.